Your donations are helping our Gom Benn students succeed in realizing their academic goals. In 2019, we received a $1,000 donation from the Bing Wong Scholarship Foundation in San Bernardino, as we do each year. Pak and Linda Lau of San Gabriel donated $300. Margie, Terry and Daphne Tam of Montebello contributed $50. Dorothy Teja of San Pedro donated $100. And a $150 donation was made in memory of Bettina Hai, wife of Francis Hai, a longtime Scholarship board member. The donation was from Brian, Lester, Glenn and Stacie Wong, and Leslie Wynn. Also, Jerri Pih and Michael Hoi each donated $10,000 to establish the Chew and Yowly Hoi Memorial Scholarship. Click here to learn more. With a gift of $10,000 or more, you can fund an endowment that will provide scholarships to Gom Benn students in perpetuity. The funds you donate are invested responsibly and a percentage of the earnings is withdrawn annually to provide a scholarship to a student. You will also be our honored guest at the annual awards luncheon each summer, where you can meet the recipient of your scholarship and present the award. For more information, email us at Donations are tax deductible. To contribute, make out your check to Kan Pien Scholarship Fund (the legal name of the Gom Benn Scholarship Fund), and mail to 1746 Morgan Lane, Redondo Beach, CA 90278. The Fund is a non-profit organization affiliated with the Gom Benn Village Society based in Los Angeles, but administered by a separate board of directors.

Donations fund our scholarships