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Founding members of the Gom Benn Village Society.

Let’s Revitalize the Gom Benn Village Society

A decade before the Gom Benn Scholarship Fund existed, immigrants from our ancestral village started the Gom Benn Village Society (GBVS) in Los Angeles. In the early 1970s, the Society incorporated to invest in Chinatown real estate to create a stable revenue source to fund cultural celebrations and social events for village descendants here in America.

GBVS has also been a periodic contributor to the Scholarship Fund, separately formed as a non-profit in 1982.

GBVS has been dormant, but is now under new leadership — Kent Lee, president; Courtney Lewis, vice president; Ben Wong, secretary. The new GBVS Board plans to revitalize and reinvigorate some cultural and social events of the past, as well as develop new programming relevant to today’s generation of Village descendants.

To accomplish these plans, the Board’s first priority is to recreate the Village Society contact list. The Scholarship Foundation agreed to send you this GBVS request to fill out a contact form and survey, with whatever information you are comfortable and willing to provide. We welcome and look forward to your participation.

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