The family of Johnny Wong is adding to the yearly Gom Benn scholarship they established in his memory. Beginning in 2025, they will award at least two $500 community service awards.
“We believe that Johnny would have wanted us to honor students who volunteer to help others in need, or otherwise make meaningful contributions to their community,” said May Quan Wong, Johnny’s wife.
Middle school and high school students – from 7th to 12th graders – are eligible to apply. Applicants will need to submit a letter from an organization verifying a minimum of 10 hours of community service between July 4th, 2024, and July 4th, 2025.
In addition, applicants will be required to submit an essay of at least 500 words, describing their community service, what they learned from their experience, and how their service benefited their community. The scholarships will be awarded based on these essays.
Here are a few examples of community service: tutoring or mentoring younger students, participating in a park clean up, helping to provide meals to the needy, assisting at an animal shelter, or volunteering at a nursing home.
Applications for the community service scholarships, and our other Gom Benn scholarships based on grades, will be made available in May 2025, with a deadline on or near July 4th, 2025.
Note: middle and high schoolers can apply for both the community service and the GPA-based scholarships.